Design Something Everyday Day 1: Volcano

I read the great post by Jad Limcaco on Smashing Magazine called “Design Something Every Day!” It is a very inspiring, if not daunting idea, to design something every day, but it is a call I would like to take up. I wanted to do it in January, but some projects and a hint of fear kept me from attempting this project.

Since today is my birthday I thought this would be a good time to start the project, so beginning today, February 3rd I begin my year of daily designing. Wish me luck. So far the hardest part is limiting myself to only 15-45 min on these designs. I just want to keep “plussing” the design. So here’s day one, the interior of a volcano.

Design Something Every Day: Day 1: Volcano

Design Something Every Day: Day 1: Volcano

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Colors:
Source: Volcano information: GeoBytesGCSE