Shaded Relief – A Great Mapping Resource

Shaded Relief – A Great Mapping Resource

I love maps. As the old joke goes: "geology rocks, but geographers know where it's at!" While researching mapping sites, tips, and resources, I found this great mapping resource site by cartographer Tom Patterson. If you make maps, if you...

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Wisdom on the Walls

Wisdom on the Walls

Spotted this graffiti last April adorning the walls of a park restroom. It maybe a bit pessimistic, but it certainly rings true from time to time.

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Pixel Stretch Tutorial

Pixel Stretch Tutorial

A little goof using the great pixel stretch tutorial from PiXimperfect.hosted by Unmesh Dinda, A pretty fun little tutorial.

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Graphic Design is My Passion, and Yes, Bears do…

Graphic Design is My Passion, and Yes, Bears do…

This is what happens when you are a bored graphic designer, with time to kill looking at some fun mass produced art decorating an AirBNB. A visual communication's degree is a terrible thing to waste. Bear art....

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Snowy Sandpoint

Snowy Sandpoint

For the heck of it, here's some photos I took of the railroad tracks near the cabin we were staying at in Sand Point, Idaho. It was a winter wonderland.

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Hometown Highlights: Kendall’s Monkey Bar

Hometown Highlights: Kendall’s Monkey Bar

You never know what memories are brought back to the surface when you return to your hometown. While in downtown Nampa, Idaho. I passed by this amazing painted sign, and memories of the infamous "Kendall's Monkey Bar" came flodding...

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Welcome to the Rollerdrome…

Welcome to the Rollerdrome…

If you have the chance to stop by Nampa, Idaho, don't forget to check out the Nampa Rollerdrome. An old haunt of my youth. I swung by the other day, and even though I didn't have time to go...

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Liminal Space

Liminal Space

I visited my son’s apartment the other day and was struck by this set of chairs on the stairwell. I asked if he or anyone used them. The answer was no. These liminal spaces always feel so pregnant with...

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A Very Specific Target Audience

A Very Specific Target Audience

I noticed this new store on my neighborhood. Turntables and Trails, “Seattle’s Stereo and Hiking Store.” That is a highly targeted Venn diagram of audiences. Lucky for me, I fit right in that nexus. I can’t wait to check...

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Hello little spider

Hello little spider

I’ve been watching a little cross orbweaver spider (Araneus diadematus) build it’s web in front of our house. It is a beautiful web and it has been a minor joy to see it every day. Perhaps not for the...

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Brilliant Sunset

Witnessed an incredible sunset the other day. Unfortunately the ridiculously outrageous colors are due to the ash and smoke from a nearby forest fire. Though it was something to witness. I hope those affected by the fire are safe...

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Words to live by: Mark Twain

Words to live by: Mark Twain

Hope this isn’t one of the fake internet quotes! Architects cannot teach nature anything.Mark Twain The source is Memorable Midnight Experience. Or so says the interwebs...

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