Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! In honor of that let's rock out with the Halloween House! I don't know if I'd like being this guy's neighbor, but it's pretty cool. 2010 Thriller Light Show   2011 Party Rock Anthem Light Show

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-30

When I was a kid I always wanted to live on one of these Space Colonies! http://t.co/LVFCpc7R # Great pop culture Silhouettes by Olly Moss http://t.co/T3aAhG7y #vintage # PhotoShop user interface design tutorials http://t.co/fwdyh2nC # Cool video, shot & edited on an...

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Making the Penguin Mini Modern Classics

As a lover of literature and design have quite a crush on Penguin Modern Classics. They have led the vanguard of book design and publishing. They have a great series on their site about their new Mini Modern Classics...

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How They Did It

For some inspiration and relaxation on a Friday, I thought I'd share some beautiful videos that show the behind the scenes process in some design and art projects. Note these are more artful than hands-on videos, so sit back...

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Digital Ephemera for Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Wednes­day has rolled around, so here’s my weekly col­lec­tion of inter­est­ing dig­i­tal ephemera I’ve found pok­ing around the vast Inter­net waste­land. Think of me as your guide through the eclec­tic dig­i­tal desert… Today's Menu Art & Design Motion Graphics & Video Marketing Social...

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15 Great Free Handwritten Fonts

Ah, it’s Tuesday and that means it is typography time! This week, here are 15 fonts that can come in handy when you need that faux-handmade quality. If your penmanship is less than artful or you are running out...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-23

Bulletproof Pretzel Co. @dribbble: http://t.co/oirCaw6p # Nice #font F25 Bank Printer Font | http://t.co/0lw0vx9x http://t.co/aeAucIAe # Cute Incredibles inspired #illustration Fatherhood @dribbble: http://t.co/nGe2AsBD # (more…)

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Check Out My Daily Design Experiments…

I've been creating daily designs made in 15 minutes or so and putting them up on special flickr set. I am using this as a way to experiment and hone my craft.  Check them out...

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Online Checkout… In the Real World

Anyone who works with website development or in customer service needs to watch this hilarious video from Google. It is important to remember that customers are looking for simplicity. You want them to buy your product, use your service...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16

R.I.P. @dribbble: http://t.co/Er8RDm1z #stevejobs #icons # Big Foot on the Sun! Sunsquatch http://t.co/70NodAQA #bigfoot # 25 Awesome Typography Poster Designs http://t.co/JXxQ5enJ # (more…)

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Lawrence of Arabia Trailer

After my last post I was so excited I had to go and watch Lawrence of Arabia again! It really is a fantastic movie, definitely one of the best movies ever. If you haven't seen it you are doing yourself...

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Lawrence Of Arabia Poster

I thought I'd share the outcome of my poster from Ward Andrew's Poster Design Workshop I blogged about a while ago. Using his formula workshop students were constrained by these things: Pick something (music/movie/book etc...) that you really love. Pick one...

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