Awesome or Awful (depending on taste) Auto-tune songs

Normally this blog deals with graphic design and it’s related topics, but today I wanted to share some examples of a thing I have a love-hate relationship with. Auto-tuning.

One one hand it seems like cheating if you are an actual singer and you are using it to correct imperfections in your craft is cheating. Or rather, the perceived imperfections in your craft, if a singer can’t hit a particular pitch, most fans really won’t care so long as the song is performed with emotion, meaning and impact. Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain weren’t the best singers but they were so raw they touched people at a different level. So when singers are aided covertly by auto-tuning I find that irksome. If it is done in an obvious manner for effect that can be fun (Cher’s “I Believe”), so long as it doesn’t supplant the feeling behind the song.

However, as a fan of socially created media, mash-ups and internet memes, I love when people take found material and use technology to create something that has personal meaning for them. In that spirit I want to share some of my personal favorite Awesome or Awful (depending on taste) Auto-tune music videos/songs. It is true that maybe the music is a bit generic, but the artists have genuine feeling invested in these songs and at end of the day that’s what it’s really all about.

Symphony of Science Auto-tune
These following songs promote science, so beyond being cool they speak to me at an emotional and an intellectual level.

Movie & Television Auto-tune Mashups
One part Hollywood one part auto-tune!

Some classic internet Meme Auto-tunes
Okay these aren’t quite as high minded as the Symphony of science, but I still like them.

Double Rainbow Autotune (Original Video)

Charlie Bit My Finger Autotune (Original)

Auto-Tune the News

Obama Auto-tune


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