Happy Groundhogs Day!

  May summer be here soon!

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Tiki, originally uploaded by sodaundkatze. An awesome Tiki

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Good Read: Resonate

This week's good reads is Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte. Yes, I know, I know, yet another book on presentation design and another book from Nancy Duarte? But come on, and not to sound too...

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Three Great Typography Tutorials From Veer

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time you'll notice I am a big fan of the stock photo/illustration/font site Veer. They have great resources for all designers. They also have produced some outstanding videos. For...

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10 Best Video Series on the Internet for Self Education

The internet is an amazing resource for learning new things. If you want to put in the time, there are many great things you can learn. The following are ten great free video series that you should really check...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-29

Good Reads: POP! By Steven Heller http://t.co/5FjXUBQY # I thought this little design turned out very grungy, er nicely... Coffee Stains http://t.co/hvRO5Q5n # Steve Heller on the Eclectic Age of Design http://t.co/wrJq2Ccj # midcenturymoddesign: http://t.co/u6ULrM1D # Photo: hollyhocksandtulips: http://t.co/7vk7vm0r # Photo:...

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How They Did It – Nancy Duarte Edition

I've written about Nancy Duarte before so you know I am a big fan. If you get to work on the design of presentations, do yourself and your audience a favor and follow her advice in these videos: Duarte Design's...

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A Random Design Quote

A ran­dom quote from a famous graphic designer on design, cul­ture and art. One has not understood until one has forgotten it. D.T. Suzuki from the book The Zen of Creativity by John Daido Loori

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