Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

It is time to honor the efforts of a great man, and what better way than with his own words. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-15

Photo: Schlitz’s Happy Holidays by paul.malon on Flickr. http://t.co/ZmT5kjMe # This is an extremely useful illustrator tutorial! How to Create a 3D Map Pullout http://t.co/EMKvNDQe #illustrator # “As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for...

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How They Did It – The World’s Smallest Model Railroad Edition

This is amazing. Seeing the detail, hard work and imagination that David K. Smith put into this big little project is breathtaking. There are two great things to take away from the video, first the train layout and second,...

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A Random Design Quote

A random quote from a famous graphic designer on design, culture and art. Criticism is important because it gives us a language (indeed a lens) by which to discuss and view design. - Steven Heller

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Good Read – Graphic Design Theory

Any graphic designer worth their salt should care as much about the "why" of design as they do about the "how." To that end I highly recommend the great collection of theoretical essays, Graphic Design Theory edited by Helen...

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Great Stop Motion Animation – Blackboard War

I am in awe of the creativity and hard work that people are capable of, case in point, check out these two amazing stop motion animations Blackboard War 1 and 2. It took a lot of work, in fact,...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-08

I'm a sucker for anything with a retro atomic symbol! Nice retro logo design via @BillSKenney http://t.co/R8bb7k1l # Nicely done! Vintage style design "Coffee and Code" via @si_web_guy http://t.co/DAgfNbE1 # Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time...

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How They Did It (Photoshop Masking Edition)

For this installment of How They Did It, Here are the 5 best free masking tutorials for Adobe PhotoShop on the web. There are many great sources for learning and mastering PhotoShop, I highly recommend watching and reading anything...

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