Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! In honor of that let's rock out with the Halloween House! I don't know if I'd like being this guy's neighbor, but it's pretty cool. 2010 Thriller Light Show   2011 Party Rock Anthem Light Show

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-30

When I was a kid I always wanted to live on one of these Space Colonies! http://t.co/LVFCpc7R # Great pop culture Silhouettes by Olly Moss http://t.co/T3aAhG7y #vintage # PhotoShop user interface design tutorials http://t.co/fwdyh2nC # Cool video, shot & edited on an...

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Making the Penguin Mini Modern Classics

As a lover of literature and design have quite a crush on Penguin Modern Classics. They have led the vanguard of book design and publishing. They have a great series on their site about their new Mini Modern Classics...

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How They Did It

For some inspiration and relaxation on a Friday, I thought I'd share some beautiful videos that show the behind the scenes process in some design and art projects. Note these are more artful than hands-on videos, so sit back...

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Digital Ephemera for Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Wednes­day has rolled around, so here’s my weekly col­lec­tion of inter­est­ing dig­i­tal ephemera I’ve found pok­ing around the vast Inter­net waste­land. Think of me as your guide through the eclec­tic dig­i­tal desert… Today's Menu Art & Design Motion Graphics & Video Marketing Social...

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15 Great Free Handwritten Fonts

Ah, it’s Tuesday and that means it is typography time! This week, here are 15 fonts that can come in handy when you need that faux-handmade quality. If your penmanship is less than artful or you are running out...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-23

Bulletproof Pretzel Co. @dribbble: http://t.co/oirCaw6p # Nice #font F25 Bank Printer Font | http://t.co/0lw0vx9x http://t.co/aeAucIAe # Cute Incredibles inspired #illustration Fatherhood @dribbble: http://t.co/nGe2AsBD # (more…)

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Check Out My Daily Design Experiments…

I've been creating daily designs made in 15 minutes or so and putting them up on special flickr set. I am using this as a way to experiment and hone my craft.  Check them out...

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