Photoshop (really) Quick Tip: Editing Actions

It's Monday, so that mean's that it is time for another (really) quick tip for Adobe Photoshop. This week, actions! Actions are a great way to automate PhotoShop. If you can master actions it will save yourself a heck of...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17

360 virtual Sistine Chapel # Cool #tiki decorations for haloween TikiWeen! | # beautiful tropical colors: my Tahiti island beach signs | Flickr - Photo Sharing! # Powered by Twitter Tools

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Design Something Every Day: Bigfoot, A Memoir

A little goof, an imagined book jacket for Bigfoot's memoir.

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Design Something Every Day: Purple Phoenix Productions

The following 5 logos were proposed ideas for a musical production company.

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Design Something Every Day: Dr D’s Old Time Rock n’ Soul Revue

The following three logos were some proposed logo ideas for a Rock and Soul Revue that I was working on. Design Something Every Day 34-35-36/365

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Design Something Every Day: Lucky

A little practice with compositing using some stock images from and a picture I took of a coin operated Buddha fortune telling machine at the Miracle Mile Shopping Center in Las Vegas. Miracle Mile is a very big...

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Design Something Every Day: Tilt Shift Disneyland

Another little test with tilt shift fakery from a picture I took while riding the Dumbo Ride overlooking Fantasyland at Disneyland a couple of years ago. I've learned from this experiment, that tilt shift techniques work much better with shots...

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Design Something Every Day: Another Tilt Shift Test

More experimentation with faking tilt shift images.

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