Design Something Everyday 10/365

Another "CD Cover Design Game" In hindsight it probably didn't work as well as I would of liked, but blogs are for experimentation. Though I must admit I am rather fond of the typeface, Caflisch Script Pro. It is...

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Design Something Everyday 9/365

An homage to one of my favorite movies, David Lean's masterpiece Lawrence of Arabia, done in motivational computer desktop wall paper style. A film that was truly meant for the big screen.

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Random CD Cover Design Game

Design Something Every Day 8/ 365 I read about this along time ago on the Facebook Group: Create your Own CD Cover. I like to call it the "Random CD Cover Game." By harnessing the power of the internet, it...

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Disneyland Tiki Room Entrance 1963

Disneyland Tiki Room Entrance 1963, originally uploaded by Miehana. While trolling on flickr I found this glorious picture of one of my favorite attractions at Disneyland, the Tiki Room. The picture is originally taken when it opened in 1963...

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I saw this great post on Brian Hoff's site and I thought I'd play along. Here's my ABC URL game. It's a fun game and as Brian says, The rules are simple: Launch your favorite, most frequently used browser for...

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Design Something Everyday: Retro Stephenie

Day 7 and still designing, though 2 days behind schedule in posting. Be that as it may, in honor of tonight's premiere of Survivor Heroes vs Villains my design of the day is a little WPA inspired retro-esque poster...

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Design Something Everyday: Day 6: Who Dat… with Zombies

Another non-timely post, I'll have to get better at that. This one inspired somewhat by two loves of mine, American Football and Zombies, though maybe not in that particular order. I drew a sketch of a Zombie and played...

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Design Something Everyday: Day 5: Bali Hai

I've been working on stuff everyday, but I haven't been posting daily, so I've got a bunch of stuff to put up. The first of these is a digital doodle of a song from the wonderful 1949 Rogers and Hammerstein...

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