The Chittenden Bink

The Chittenden Bink

A goof with Hiram Chittenden's portrait making him a blinking GIF. Daily Design 159/366

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Our Lazy Cat

Our Lazy Cat

Cats are the best, here's an artsy version of how our cat see's herself, the center of it all. Daily Design 158/366

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Cool Kart

Cool Kart

Saw this fun cart at work the other day. Dang, I thought to myself, that's one cool kart. wish I could take it for a spin. Daily Design 157/366

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AI Walrus

AI Walrus

Here's a bit of a goof, playing with Firefly's source image feature. Here's a source image and the prompt of a walrus driving a truck in the arctic with the northern lights. Daily Design 156/366 Designed in part with...

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Flying Horror at T-Mobile Park

Flying Horror at T-Mobile Park

While at a recent Mariner's Game there were tons of seagulls flying about. Made me feel I was in Hitchcock's The Birds. I did a post about this a while back, but the video really shows the amount of...

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Another View of the Ceiling

Another View of the Ceiling

Here's a portrait view of my last post. Pretty great view if you ask me. Daily Design 154/366

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One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor

One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor

Leaving work the other day, I loved the sunset coming through the saw-toothed roof at Pier 69. Love the lines and shapes created by sunset, HVAC systems, and the structure of the building itself. A magnificent building for sure....

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Markey Seattle

Markey Seattle

Saw this cool plaque on a tug boat, i love the oxidizing green on the copper and the swell typography. Daily Design 152/366 

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