First Day of Fall

First Day of Fall

Yeah today is the Autumnal Equinox the official beginning of fall, though currently it's still pretty warm and feels like summer still. But soon there will be a chill in the air and the quality of the light will...

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More Jimi

More Jimi

Love that Seattle's honored our famed guitarist with this cool sculpture and park. Daily Design 263/366

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Jimi Hendrix Scupture

Jimi Hendrix Scupture

Here's a view of the Jimi Hendrix sculpture that is found in Seattle's Jimi Hendrix Park. Daily Design 262/366

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Jimi Hendrix Park

Jimi Hendrix Park

In honor of he passing of legend Jimi Hendrix that I posted about, I wanted to use the next few posts to highlight some pictures I took of the cool Jimi Hendrix Park that is part of the grounds...

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Rest in Peace Jimi

Rest in Peace Jimi

Today, September 18 marks the 54th anniversary of the passing of Rock legend Jimi Hendrix. Rock on Jimi... As the wise man said, heaven has one a hell of a band. Daily Design 260/366 Original photo by Hannu Lindroos,...

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Neon Effect

Neon Effect

It's fun to try out tutorials, here's a fun PhotoShop Neon effect I found on YouTube from the fabulous Spoon Studios. Here's my quick and dirty attempt. I should have found a better starter image, but it was...

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ITC Benguiat!

ITC Benguiat!

Stranger Things is a great show, but I think my favorite thing about it is the renaissance of the use of the classic font ITC Benguait. Daily Design 258/366

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September in the Chair

September in the Chair

A little inspiration from Neil Gaiman's great short story "October in the Chair" is September in the Chair. September always means school busses and back to school to me. Daily Design 257/366

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