Best Box

Best Box

Not sure what was in all of the these boxes, but looking at the branding I know what ever it was, was the best! #grahicdesigndadjoke

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Redfish Lake

Redfish Lake

Redfish Lake in the Sawtooth Mountians in Idaho is by far, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been too. Visit if you have a chance. Drone photo I took overlooking Redfish Lake Lodge, 2019

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Love this font… update!

Love this font… update!

Last week I shared a cool font that I found on a sign on an apartment building. I has having a little trouble identifying it. Even with The great font finding apps. Thanks to the wisdom of the crowds,...

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Worth Reading: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Worth Reading: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

It's Tuesday, so time for a book recommendation. I highly recommend the fantastic and inspirational book "The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle by Steven Pressfield." It is a work that will help you get out of any...

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American Bison

American Bison

What a majestic animal. Give it a wide berth if seen in the wild, and also remember, it's not a buffalo. Took this photo at the Olympic Game Farm in Washington State.

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Words to Live by: Ulysses S. Grant

Words to Live by: Ulysses S. Grant

“In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten. Then he who continues the attack wins.” - Ulysses S. Grant

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Cool PNW Sticker

Cool PNW Sticker

Saw this sticker on the window of a Subaru (naturally) whose owners obviously are as into hiking and the outdoors as I am. There were many other stickers representing National Parks, craft breweries, and the ubiquitous Big Foot. It...

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Ip Man!

Ip Man!

I have recently been obsessed with the Ip Man franchise. I had heard of his connection to Bruce Lee before, but I was fascinated about his life after seeing the impressive “Be Like Like Water My Friend” exhibit at...

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