Seattle at Night Photo Series

Seattle at Night Photo Series

This and the next few upcoming posts will show some cool shots I took from the famed Kinnear Park in Seattle's Queen Anne Neighborhood. It's iconic view of down town at night, never ever disappoints. Daily Design: 304/366

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New Video: An Indifferent Ocean

New Video: An Indifferent Ocean

Here's my latest little video I've posted to YouTube. "An Indifferent Ocean." Looking at the futility of the universe with a beautiful moonlight Ocean. The script: The moon floats so perfectly in the sky, its silver light spilling across the water,...

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Up and Down

Up and Down

Like my last post here's a goof with the escalator picture. Pretty dumb, but I only have 5 minutes at the moment.     Daily Design: 302/366

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Existential Escalator

Existential Escalator

Here's a little video I created about the futility of life as seen through the experience of riding an escalator. Daily Design: 301/366

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Circle Spin Animation

Circle Spin Animation

More fun with making animated GIFs in PhotoShop. Here's a little spinning animation. I always find it fun to just play with the software and see what you can make for the heck if it.       Daily Design 300/366

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Circle Blend Mode PhotoShop Animation

Circle Blend Mode PhotoShop Animation

  Goofing around with blending modes in PhotoShop. I made a little animation where each layer of 3 colors uses a different blending mode in order of the drop down menu. So first is Normal, then Dissolve, Darken and so...

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Simon Sayz…

Simon Sayz…

Playing with colors and blending modes in PhotoShop and came up with something that reminds me of the old Simon Says game from my youth. A fun memory game. Daily Design 298/366   Here's some of the commercials if you're not aware...

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Glass Cage Blues

Glass Cage Blues

A little goofy video I put together with some footage I took at a local pet store of bearded dragon lizards and some cool glowing fish. Thought I'd make a silly little Beatnik inspired poem and used some groovy...

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Reversed Shape

Reversed Shape

Took the design from yesterday, and now decided to see how it looks reversed. A fun little experiment.   Daily Design: 296/366

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Fun with Shapes and Colors

Fun with Shapes and Colors

On a lazy Sunday afternoon as the snow falls I played a little with colors and shapes in PhotoShop. Daily Design: 294/366   Daily Design: 295/366

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Another Cat

Another Cat

Yes, the internet is for cats, so here's a pic of my other cat. Daily Design: 294/366

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My Cat

My Cat

Ugh January 6, so depressing. Attempted coup day. Here's a pic of my cat to make you feel better.       Daily Design: 293/366

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