Inspiring Video: Night View From the International Space Station

This is amazing! If I only had $20 million or so I'd go take a ride in the ISS! Great work from Knate Myers Every frame in this video is a photograph taken from the International Space Station. All credit...

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Weekly Design: Bad Tiki

Inspired by the great work I saw at the AIGA's Pixel's of Fury a while back, I've decided to hone up on my quick design skills and try to put something together within 20 minutes. I don't have access...

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Happy Birthday Walt!

Happy 112th birthday to one of my personal heroes, Walt Disney! For more information check out the Walt Disney Family Museum... "Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be...

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I am so ready to go Skiing!

This video is an amazing piece of film making. Music, image and song are so perfectly in tune. Fantastic stuff! JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.) by Sherpas Cinema JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.) from Sherpas Cinema on...

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Weekly Design: Filtered Shakespeare 3

My weekly design, Filtered Shakespeare 3. Playing with Photoshop filters and layer effects with the bard…

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Great Video from TED… The Electric Vocabulary

Ever wondered where the world electron came from? No, you incurious bastard! Anyway, for the more inquisitive check out this great animated video lesson by James Sheils, animation by TED-Ed. View the full lesson via neatorama

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Weekly Design: Filtered Shakespeare 2

My weekly design, Filtered Shakespeare 2. Playing with Photoshop filters and layer effects with the bard…

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tribute!

My inner geek is going nuts over this great tribute to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Malcom Sutherland (that's TMNT to you). Though I wish it had the Vinilla Ice Ninja Rap as the soundtrack, now that would...

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Weekly Design: Filtered Shakespeare 1

My weekly design, Filtered Shakespeare 1. Playing with Photoshop filters and layer effects with the bard...

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Cool… The V Motion Project

Look at all the cool things you can do with the Kinect, way cooler than those stupid dance games! Pretty amazing work, the V Motion Project makes music and a light show with your body via Kinect. The V Motion...

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My weekly design: Rapi Nui

My weekly design for November 5-11, 2012 CE: Rapi Nui, playing with halftone effects in photoshop.

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Great Video: Turtles or Snakes- Which do cars hit more?

This is really interesting and funny, Turtles or Snakes- Which do cars hit more? ROADKILL EXPERIMENT. Great work from Mark Rober. Via NeatoRama

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