Copyright and fair use principles done as a Disney mashup

I found this great video on James F. McGrath's blog Exploring Our Matrix. It is a pretty funny and good round up of copyright and fair use principles and practices as explained in a Disney mash-up. The people who made...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-24

Good advice. RT @HakanSoderbom: Beginning blogging? Sign up for this friendly Bellevue workshop on May 5: # To quote the great philosopher Gold Leader "stay on target!" RT @fondalo: content for your target audience - # Back from...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17

Beautiful Movie Posters #50 | Daily Inspiration is launching soon and I'm one of the first in line! Join me. #launch via @visually# Nice designs. Sci-Fi-O-Rama / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Art / Design / Illustration #graphicdesign...

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More Cool Chip Kidd Videos

Another cool video from Chip Kidd waxing on design and his life.

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10

Handy tutorial: How to Use Real Fonts on your Website (with Web Fonts) via @youtube #webfonts #typography #webdesign # Explosive! Atomic brand names « How to be a Retronaut #retro #atomic #graphicdesign # Drupal Commerce at DrupalCon Chicago

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The role of intuition in design with David Carson

Anyone interested in the process of design should watch this great lecture from design legend David Carson from the TED conference in 2003. His lecture is entitled "Design, Discover and Humor." In it Carson brings us this great quote...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03

Google's Collateral Damage: SEO Cat & Mouse Game #infographic # 25 Examples of Geometrical Shape Usage in Web Design | Inspiration via @webdesignledger # RT @machoarts 20 Free High-Quality And Fresh Fonts For Your Design # Church Websites 101:...

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A creative use of video and a lot of spare time

So a funny video uploaded to YouTube goes viral and then some creative folks set the clip to music and it becomes a mashed up auto-tune dance song that itself goes viral. Then other creative people take that clip and...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13

Darth Vader: "I find the lack of fabric... disturbing." RT @mistygirlph: Star Wars Swimsuits: Swimwear For Geek Girls - # Amazing photos! Nyiragongo Crater: Journey to the Center of the World - via #volcanoes #vulcanology #lava # Awesome!...

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Mondo SHAG Interview

A nice little interview with my favorite living artist Josh Agle, a.k.a. SHAG discusses a once up and coming show back in the heady pre-Obama days of 2006, a time in the distant past, when the Seattle SuperSonics still...

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Best Music Video Ever

My favorite music video, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego by the Beastie Boys. I love, love, LOVE the abstract paintings as animation!

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A Beatnik Inspired Video About Paul Rand

While pursing the deep (and not so deep) waters of You Tube, I found this great video about Paul Rand. I dig the beatnik inspired sensibilities, daddy-o. More importantly, the wisdom of Paul Rand imparts in the video about...

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