A Funny Chip Kidd Video

I knew Chip Kidd was a great designer and writer, however I was pleasantly amused to find out that he is also a very accomplished, if surreal impressionist. This is a really funny take on the difference between form...

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The Magic of Eric Carle

I saw this video on John Nack's blog and I had to share. Eric Carle is a great talent. There is nothing finer than reading his books to the kids, then spending hours after they have gone to bed...

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Mazel Tov Green Bay and assorted cheese heads!

Congratulations Green Bay! Great Game... The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” -Vince Lombardi

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The incomparable Saul Bass…

Anyone interested in design, especially motion design, should really study the master... Saul Bass.

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When you are feeling the world is getting you down…

When you're feeling down read this poem and if you don't feel a little pick me up, you don't have a heart beating in your chest. In that case, seek immediate medical attention. Ulysses Alfred Lord Tennyson It little profits that an...

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Best Quote Ever…

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time, from the mathematician and philosopher, Bertrand Russell, not only is it beautiful, true and poignant, but it is something we should all hope to strive for. Three passions, simple...

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Year of living productively and some recent work

It's the beginning of a new year for me! It is both the Lunar Year and my personal new year, that is to say it's my birthday. This seems like a good time to redidicate myself to artistic and...

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Happy Groundhogs Day!

Happy Groundhogs Day! Looks like we'll have an early spring, if superstitions be believed. In honor of that I'd like to offer a little graphical goodie! You can down­load my Free Twitter Backgrounds for Illustrator and Photoshop. These ...

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Happy New Year!

Sad if I didn't post today! Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas Bedford Falls…

Chokes me up ever time... Merry Christmas every one!

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Digital Ephemera

It's Wednesday, so that means ladies and germs it's time for another installment of digital ephemera. Which is a collection of interesting bits and bytes I've run across on the information super highway in the past week. Mid-century Modern &...

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T.S.A. W.T.F. for Adobe Illustrator

I'll probably end up on some list some where for this, but there you go. I saw this great post on boing boing about the recent hubbub over frisky and overly aggressive TSA screening procedures. I loved the  photo...

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