Photoshop (Really) Quick Tip

It’s Monday, so that means that it is time for another episode of PhotoShop (Really) Quick Tips. This week, selecting similar layers. Say you are working on a project and you have a document with lots of layers, and you...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-14

#Retro Poster Goodness - A flyer and poster design blog # The Grammar Cheat Sheet via Smashing Magazine - Retinart # New #Tron LEGACY Trailer... end of line # This is heavy duty: The ‘Fat Elvis’ footage they...

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Friday Funny

Every once in a while you think everything is going to turn out okay, then it doesn't. A little Friday Funny, for us, not the squirrel. via John Briggs

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07

#Tiki Architecture: Kona Kai, Philadelphia, PA - Part 1 # Star Wars Vintage Travel Posters! cool stuff via @theretronaut # Kurt Lorenz's Bee's to appear in Imogen Heap concert/film/dvd project Love the Eart- JOURNAL - Love The Earth Film

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Great Kinetic Type Version of the Gettysburg Address

Here's an great kinetic type & animation of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Plus the speech is pretty good too. via Neatorama. Gettysburg Address from Adam Gault on Vimeo.

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Friday Freebie: Barking up the Right Tree

It's Friday, so that means it's time for a Friday freebie. This week a collection of textures of wood bark and one shot of some imposing conifers. So naturally I'll call this one "barking up the right tree." Yes,...

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Here's a little history of Halloween to get you in the mood for ghosts, goblins and ghoulies!

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-24

A Collection of Fun Old Scary Movies for Halloween | # Computers are amazing, except when they're not. # Nice images. Book Cover Archive blog # Cool #infographic Earth’s Atmosphere Top to Bottom | Atmosphere Layers | Infographic | Our...

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Photoshop (really) Quick Tip: Editing Actions

It's Monday, so that mean's that it is time for another (really) quick tip for Adobe Photoshop. This week, actions! Actions are a great way to automate PhotoShop. If you can master actions it will save yourself a heck of...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17

360 virtual Sistine Chapel # Cool #tiki decorations for haloween TikiWeen! | # beautiful tropical colors: my Tahiti island beach signs | Flickr - Photo Sharing! # Powered by Twitter Tools

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Design Something Every Day: Bigfoot, A Memoir

A little goof, an imagined book jacket for Bigfoot's memoir.

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Design Something Every Day: Purple Phoenix Productions

The following 5 logos were proposed ideas for a musical production company.

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