Design Something Every Day: Dr D’s Old Time Rock n’ Soul Revue

The following three logos were some proposed logo ideas for a Rock and Soul Revue that I was working on. Design Something Every Day 34-35-36/365

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Design Something Every Day: Lucky

A little practice with compositing using some stock images from and a picture I took of a coin operated Buddha fortune telling machine at the Miracle Mile Shopping Center in Las Vegas. Miracle Mile is a very big...

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Design Something Every Day: Tilt Shift Disneyland

Another little test with tilt shift fakery from a picture I took while riding the Dumbo Ride overlooking Fantasyland at Disneyland a couple of years ago. I've learned from this experiment, that tilt shift techniques work much better with shots...

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Design Something Every Day: Another Tilt Shift Test

More experimentation with faking tilt shift images.

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Faking Tilt Shift Photography with a Painting

I saw these amazing images that used a faked version of tilt shift photography on some paintings by Vincent Van Gogh. These great images were created by Mathieu S of I thought it was a cool idea to...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-03

Amazing Retro Soviet Styled Posters - a set on Flickr # "Frank Miller Makes History Awesome" by Caldwell Tanner on CollegeHumor # A good roundup RT @TaaDaaGina: 20 Best Websites to Learn and Master CSS via...

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Twilight of the Idols

Very sad news. The custodian at my work was dusting and "accidentally" knocked over on of my many Tikis. Traumatic to say the least. Hope he doesn't plan any surfing any time soon or he'll find out, just like...

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Funny Graphic Design Videos

Sometimes it seems that graphic designers are a serious lot. After all, it is not the normal person who becomes enraged at the use of papyrus as the subtitle font in Avatar. But to prove that designers and design...

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Digital Ephemera

A few interesting bits of digital ephemera I've found on the information super highway in the last week. Mid-century Modern & Tiki Paul Malon's Flickr Stream, an amazing collection of mid-century ephemera, you simply MUST check this flickr photostream if you...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-19

Sadly no Tiamat from the D&D cartoon. Uh oh, I just outed myself as a D&D geek! RT @aextnet: Artworks of Dragons - # Cool post, oddly it makes me want to see #TRON Legacy! RT @PsDeluxe: Cool...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-05

Great Branding! Wright Brothers Oyster & Fish Bar | Identity Designed # Great tunes! omg best album ever: # The Chart of Fantasy Art, 2009 | Orbit Books | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy # Getting my geek on......

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Design Something Every Day 29/365

For this entry into my Design Something Every Day project I created a digital doodle for one of the greatest books of the 20th Century, William Golding's Lord of the Flies. The book pulls back the curtain of civilized...

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