Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

Tiki Architecture: Jungle Island - Buena Park, California #tiki # Cool Tiki Aquarium Stuff! | #tiki # Nice! Seth's Blog: Drill baby drill # RT @ebertchicago: I will never, ever, watch a movie on my iPhone. Nor will I...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06

@SeattleSonics most over rated: Patrick Ewing. in reply to SeattleSonics # Good to know... RT @behoff: A beginners guide to OpenType fonts # RT @SonicsGate Starbucks censors Sonics fans on Facebook. & We will never forget Howard! # Design...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

Lost series finale or The Dungeonmaster, both on TV at the same time. So tough to choose... # The Golden Ratio never looked so deadly! Natural Born Killer from Michael Paukner @paukee # RT @youthedesigner 40 Excellent Fabric Textures...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

Like something from a Robert Anton Wilson novel! One Dollar Conspiracy on Flickr - Photo Sharing! # As Captain Hook would no doubt say: Bad Form Twitter, bad form: Twitter takes Disney handle away from user | Disney Blog...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

Lost Retro game design, funny Penney Design, # Star Wars trilogy retold in 2 minutes, 13 seconds using LEGOs - Boing Boing # How to Create a Business Designed Web Layout - Wordrom # How to Design...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

20 Fabulous Photoshop Web Interface Tutorials | nenuno creative # 50+ Resources to Help You Become A CSS Pro | Kaplang Blog | A Blog About Website Design & Development # a Cool "underground" (HA!) gallery on Flickr: Tunnels...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02

RT @toddhenry Steve Jobs to Nike: Get Rid Of The Crap # A good collection of sites to make some extra cash. 40 Websites to Sell Designs and Photos Online | Psdeluxe # Pretty cool: Official Google Blog: Helping...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-25

Ship ahoy! How to Create a Vintage Ocean Liner Poster | Vectortuts+ # Good inspiration... RT @iliketocollect 50 Best Websites To Download High Quality Free WordPress Themes # Nice post: Portfolio websites using illustration | Web and designers |...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18

Good advice: Presentation Zen: Making presentations that stick # Early animation on an Amiga! Disney Animation Studio (1990) | The Disney Blog # One of my favorite blogs on drawing: Urban Sketchers # Another cool blog: Animation Backgrounds

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Design Something Everyday 20/365: Star Wars Kids

When I was growing up I loved watching cartoons, I still do, but their power seemed much more intimate when I was younger. I watched all sorts, but I began to notice that an entire sub-genre of cartoons became...

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Design Something Every Day 19/365: MIS Logo

Design Something Every Day: 19/365. A logo I created for a budget and information management software system.

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The Golden Calf

A good way to recycle jewelry and other baubles. The Golden Calf: Design Something Every Day 18/365. The typeface is PR Agamemnon Bold, Top Lining. A cool typeface, I'm quite font of. Created by the talented designer Peter Rempel.  You...

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