Free Twitter Background Templates

Please note, this is a reprint of an earlier post, I thought I’d save it from the depths of my archived posts. Also these are set up for the earlier version of twitter. They will still work for the recent incarnation of twitter. Enjoy!


Twit­ter is all the rage, but how can you make a great look­ing twit­ter page? Twit­ter gives the user lim­ited, yet flex­i­ble design options. As social net­work­ing sites go, this gives you the abil­ity to cre­ate a unique look unlike say, Face­book. But it keeps things much cleaner than the design night­mare that is MySpace.

Cre­at­ing a cool back­ground is the key to dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing your­self on Twit­ter. After read­ing Jen­nifer Far­ley, of Laugh­ing Lion Design’s excel­lent  tuto­r­ial on Site­point (click here to read it) about cre­at­ing your own back­grounds for Twit­ter. I was inspired, and cre­ated some generic tem­plates based on her tuto­r­ial. Down­load the my tem­plates and use Jennifer’s tuto­r­ial and these tem­plates and before you know it, you’ll have a back­ground that will make every­one a twit­ter about. Oh, man, I can’t believe I actu­ally used a lame twit­ter pun. Twit­ter puns are the low­est form of humor, it makes one sound like, dare I say it… a twit. I did it again!

downloadDown­load these free tem­plates for your own use, pass along the link if you like them. The tem­plates for Pho­to­shop and Illus­tra­tor with guides and are in the three most com­mon browser sizes (800×600, 1024×768 & 1280×1024), though the 800×600 might be a bit use­less, but you might as well have the com­plete set. These were cre­ated in the CS3, if any­one is inter­ested I can save down the Illus­tra­tor ver­sion to an ear­lier version.

Also you can fol­low me on Twit­ter.


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