God Speed… An Ode to the Golden Age of Space Exploration…

This is totally amazing. CĂ©line Desrumaux, a fantastic artist has created the stunning Countdown. It is a masterpiece that took her two years designing, directing, and animating it. The best and most inspirational part for me is that she did it all in her spare time. The short animation has great visual references to one of my favorite mid-century television programs, Man in Space on The Wonderful World of Disney. That film set up many of our expectations and hopes for the future, and Countdown captures that feeling perfectly, with a dash of Kubrick’s 2001 for fun.

Even though this is an ode to mid-century design and esthetic, I do feel a bit sad calling this the “golden age,” because our golden age of space exploration should really be now or in the future as we branch out to explore and colonize the stars.

Countdown – HD from Desrumaux Celine on Vimeo.


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