Great Design! EF: Live the Language
If you like good clean design and fantastic video work, check out the great campaign “Live the Language” for the company EF International Language Centers, which is, according to their website,
…is the world’s largest privately held education company that specializes in language training, educational travel, academic degrees, and cultural exchange.”
I’ve only embedded the “Paris” one, my favorite, but you should really check out all the videos in this campaign.
The campaign was created by the Swedish Agency Camp David, and I love, love, love these ads. They are beautiful, no doubt, but more importantly they totally sell the idea of travel. What I mean by this is, that when we think of traveling to a foreign country, what do we think of? Not the little annoyances of lost luggage, spending too much money or the difficulty in finding the rest room, no we think of adventure, new vistas (literally and figuratively) and even romance.
These ads are perfect because they function as a gorgeous short hand for the mythology of travel; they show you exactly what you expect to see, what kind of experiences you want to have and the life changing perspective you will gain. Watching these amazing ads is sort of like implanting memories of a summer studying in a foreign land with out leaving your computer. Kind of like Total Recall‘s Blue Skies of Mars.
I am very impressed with the art direction of these spots, all the elements of the production enhance and support the over all theme of “Living the Language.” They are beautifully shot with a photographer’s sensibilities, enhancing both the alluring locations and actors. The music is catchy, hopeful and wistfully evocative of expanding horizons. Also, as a typophile I particularity loved the classic yet vibrant typography. Note how each ad uses typography to sell the idea of the city without being cliché. The productions are certainly top notch.
All advertising is, at some level, manipulative, but in this case I don’t mind, because one, I am aware it is mythologizing travel and two, I love that myth. Mythology is the way we humans organize our fears, desires and hopes. They are ways we explain what we go through in life and what we hope will happen. These myths matter, as Joseph Campbell so eloquently explained. As these ads remind us, there is plenty of adventure left to have in the world, it’s just right outside and all we have to do is open the door. Or, I suppose, if you’re on a budget and have broadband just click play. Either way, it’s a good way to look at the world.
You can check out the complete series and more cool videos on EF’s Live the Language YouTube Channel.
Paris Commercial Credits for EF International Language Centers.
Directed by Gustav Johansson (
D.P: Niklas Johansson, fsf (
Typography: Albin Holmqvist (
Music: Magnus Lidehäll (
Produced at Camp David (
Client: EF International Language Centers
Campaign site: