More on Amazing Stories…
I posted a few days ago about Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone and Ray Bradbury Theater. I thought I’d share the opening sequence of the later two, while I can only share the great John Williams score for the former. Come on NBC don’t be so paranoid about copyright! Sharing parts of your programming will only increase it’s value!
Ray Bradbury Theater Opening Sequence
What I wouldn’t give to have an office like this!
The Original Twilight Zone Opening Titles
Rod Serling was so great.
Theme Music From Amazing Stories
Sadly it’s not the real opening, but the music is still great.
Opening Credits from PBS’ Mystery
One more for fun. Great art from the (I just can’t get away from this word) amazing Edward Gorey. I will admit as a kid, I would watch the opening credits of Mystery with rapt attention, then would quickly become bored once the actual program started. I guess 10 year old boys weren’t really the target demographic of the show. My loss now that I look back on it, but in writing this I see it is still being produced, so I’ll have time to make amends.