The force is strong with airline graphics

The force is strong with airline graphics

I work at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport quite often, which for a designer is great because I am lucky to get to see some of the cool artwork that the different airlines put on their aircraft. My favorite by far is Alaska Airline’s Idaho Vandal airplane! Good to see my alma mater in taking off. I’ve even gotten to fly in it a couple of times. Go Vandals!

My second favorite is All Nippon Airline’s Star Wars 787. The force is strong with ANA and R2-D2! Love it. The airlines have mastered doing interesting environmental super graphics on their planes. The ultimate vehicle wrap. Hopefully, I’ll get to do an airplane soon!

It’s always a joy to see something fun and interesting out on the airfield, it makes it a joy when I’m working at Sea-Tac.


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