The Year That Was.. My Top Ten Favorite Posts

2011 has come and gone, and personally I am very happy to see it go. It was a rough one for me, full of ups and downs. But I know that 2012 will be a great year. May Janus smile on all our endeavors in the coming new year.

But before we get started onto the new adventure coming up next year, I thought I’d take one final look back share my 10 favorite posts for 2011.

  1. 15 Great Free Handwritten Fonts
  2. 10 Great Typography Sites
  3. Updated Sur­vivor Color Swatches For The Adobe Cre­ative Suite
  4. Awe­some or Awful (depend­ing on taste) Auto-tune songs
  5. Fri­day Free­bie: Free Vec­tor Speech Bub­bles for Adobe Illus­tra­tor
  6. Online Checkout in the Real World
  7. 10 Great Examples of Kinetic Typography
  8. Lawrence of Arabia Poster
  9. Great Read: Exit To Tomor­row, World’s Fair Archi­tec­ture 1933–2005
  10. 10 Fun and Challenging Font and Typography Quizzes

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