Typography Tuesday: 10 Great Tyopgraphy Sites

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Ah, it’s Tues­day and that means it is typog­ra­phy time! This Tuesday I wanted to pass along 10 great sites dedicated to Typography. Not just places to download fonts, but actual typography.


The best site for all hard core font and typography nerds. A great resource or all things typograhpic.

Some other great resources from the folks at typophile:


DaFont’s Font Forum
A great community forum for discussing all things typographic and fontish. Okay, I just made that last word up, but still it’s a good site.


Can’t figure out what font was used in the latest hip magazine ad or club flyer. This site can help. Also check out their great public forum.


A great site that helps you compare fonts for websites on the fly.



Another great free open source web application that allows experimentation with different font and color combinations on the fly within most modern web browsers.


A great blog that, well, loves typography.


Rock ’em sock’em typography. Designers Drew Roper and Ryan Paule design individual characters and then duke it out for the typographic title of best font.

Smashing Magazine
Just search for typography on the industry leading design site Smashing Magazine and you will have days and days of great reading a head of you!