Warriors, Come Out and Play! The Mural.

If you happen to find yourself on East Marginal Way in Seattle near S. Lucille Street, check out the amazing graffiti murals on the west side of the street. There is one in particular that I dig. It’s really one of the greatest murals I’ve ever seen.

Love the W

The mural is a rendition a famous scene in the cult classic The Warriors. When the evil Luther (played with relish by the fantastic actor David Patrick Kelly) trying to goad the Warrior gang into showing themselves. It’s a fantastic scene and a brilliantly nerdy and great mural. I just happened upon it one day and was so delighted. I definitely can dig it.

The detail I like the most, and many people think it’s actual vandalism, it’s the is the W that has been sprayed on his face. It’s has to be intentional, I think it’s a parting gift from the Warriors, who are out to plllaaayyyy.

Here’s where you can go find this mural and see it for yourself.

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