The Year of Living Productively

It’s the beginning of a new year for me! It is both the Lunar Year and my personal new year, that is to say it’s my birthday. This seems like a good time to redidicate myself to artistic and personal renewal. So here goes.

Stripping the Zipper Cover

A cover for the short story Stripping the Zipper by H.E. Roulo

In this spirit, I’ll share a few things I’ve been working on in my long hiatus from blogging. This is a cover for the  mature horror story “Stripping the Zipper” by the great H.E. Roulo. I think the cover worked out fairly well, I enjoy adding organic textures to vector images. It gives the unnatural geometry of Bézier curves, lines and points a life, or in this case of death, the it would not otherwise  have.

As a side note, today marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year, or as it is known by some the Chinese New Year. But more than just the Chinese celebrate the new year on this date. Lest we not for get the Vietnamese for whom this year is not Year of the Rabbit, as is found on fine restaurant placements everywhere, but year of the cat. So as they say in Vietnam… Chuc Mung Nam Moi or Happy New Year! Best wishes for one and all…


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