
About Devlin Donnelly

Aloha! My name is Devlin Don­nelly and I am a graphic designer. Wel­come to my online home, take your shoes off and relax, Mi Dig­i­tal Casa Es Su Dig­i­tal Casa.

A long time ago in a galaxy, far, far, away… Okay it was actually this galaxy, but it was a long time ago at any rate, that I fell in love with graphic design. Yes, I know love is a strong word but it is true. In fact, it’s really passed the mere love stage and moved into more of an obsession verging on compulsion. It has become so pervasive that I find it difficult to pass by a road sign without checking out the letter spacing and wondering what the CMYK values make up the red in the stop sign, a practice I wouldn’t recommend when driving!

All kidding aside, I have excellent education and professional experience in many different media from print, web, video, motion graphics, social media to presentation design.

For more information, check out my resume and port­fo­lio.

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