Blue Fox Drive In at Oak Harbor

Blue Fox Drive In at Oak Harbor

I had the good fortune to attend a drive-in theater the other day. It was glorious. If you happen to be on Whidbey Island, swing by Oak Harbor and visit the Blue Fox Drive-In. It is well worth your...

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The problem of stock photos … um… that’s not the Space Needle!

The problem of stock photos … um… that’s not the Space Needle!

This is a great (or is it terrible) example of how careless use of stock photography can backfire. The ad was trying to create a sense of place by using a stock photo of a happy family for an...

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Sunset starbursts

Sunset starbursts

I love shooting pictures with starbursts. Here's a few pictures from a recent trip to Rosario Head on Whidbey Island, Washington State.

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Unicorn artists!

Unicorn artists!

Adobe Firefly is pretty sweet. Adobe's entry into the generative AI game has been well regarded. By me if no one else! I've been goofing around with it and have been enjoying it. It may not have the power...

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On this date in 1945 the world changed forever. The successful test of the atomic bomb during the test dubbed "trinity" split the atom and gave an over-evolved biped the power to utterly destroy itself. Chilling to this day...

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Happy Birthday P.T. Barnum

Happy Birthday P.T. Barnum

Happy Birthday to the sometimes problematic but always interesting master of the 3 rings, king of humbug, the master showman P.T. Barnum! Born on this date July 5, 1810 in Connecticut. He made the world a much more interesting,...

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Quotes to Live By: JRR Tolkien

Quotes to Live By: JRR Tolkien

Quotes to live by... JRR Tolkien: "Where there's life, there's hope." From the Hobbit The video below was created by using the cool new Adobe Express Beta...

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The new Adobe Express is amazing

The new Adobe Express is amazing

I've always enjoyed Adobe Express (formerly Spark) it was handy to create graphics, and resize images for blogging and social both personally and for work. But the new beta is a game changer, generative AI integration, able to use...

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Classic packaging designs from the Klondike National Historic Park

Classic packaging designs from the Klondike National Historic Park

I love museums, history, and graphic design. This means that when I see a display at a museum that is a collection of historic product labels, logos, publications, and any piece of original or replica graphic ephemera gets my...

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Worlds live by: Elvis Presley

Worlds live by: Elvis Presley

“Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes.” - Elvis Presley often used this adaptation of a well-known quotation. via Graceland

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Schweitzer Outlook Hotel Ski Resort

Schweitzer Outlook Hotel Ski Resort

Nestled in the Northern Idaho mountains outside of Sand Point Idaho you'll find the fantastic ski resort Schweitzer Mountain Resort. It's a really nice place to go skiing with great trails and amenities. One of the amenities, the basement...

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Coast Trading Company Grain Elevator in Spokane, Washington

Coast Trading Company Grain Elevator in Spokane, Washington

I love industrial architecture, it's a cacophony of shape, form, color, form, function, and when operational sounds and smells. Truly modern marvels. On a recent road trip, while stopping to grab a burrito bowl I at Chipotle, I serendipitously...

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