Frances Draws Her Rabbit (1961)

This is too fun not to share, Frances and Her Rabbit (1961). Learn to draw in this great retro educational film I found on the cool site TV Schoolhouse.  

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Poster Design Workshop

I found this poster design workshop presented by Ward Andrew from Drawbackward Design on YouTube today. It's pretty good if you can get past the crummy audio, but the content is fantastic! Andrew shares his thought process on the...

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All Hallow’s Read

Now this is a brilliant idea! Give out scary books to friends, family, kids, parents, trick or treaters or anyone. Spread the joy, or terror as it were, to promote reading this Halloween. I'd recommend Ray Bradbury's classic book...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-09

Communication and Graphics Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @dayinspiration @topmodelhome @swinburne @inkamagazin # Preschool Prehistoric Art! # “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their...

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Photographic Truth? PhotoShop and Body Image

I found this great series from highlighting the use of PhotoShop in magazines. As designers we need to be aware of the societal effects of our work. A photograph is not reality and treating at such is a...

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Check Out The Communications and Graphics Daily

Don't forget to check out my daily paper.… Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Design Daily. -via

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“Our Fonts, Our Friends”

If you love typography or the mid-century modern esthetic, you will love:  "Our Fonts, Our Friends." It is a fantastically done, faux retro educational film about fonts from the stock image and font seller Veer. Naturally, it's an ad,...

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Rest in Peace Steve….

The death of Steve Jobs is very sad, but we have his amazing products and his inspirational words. Like this, his 2005 Stanford commencement speech. Rest in peace Steve Jobs (1955-2011).

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Digital Ephemera for Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another Wednes­day has rolled around, so here’s my weekly col­lec­tion of inter­est­ing dig­i­tal ephemera I’ve found pok­ing around the vast Inter­net waste­land. Think of me as your guide through the eclec­tic dig­i­tal desert… Today's Menu Art & Design Motion Graphics & Video Marketing Social Media Something Cool Something...

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Five Books Every Designer Should Own

At my home we have begun installing hard wood floors in our living room. The first part of this project, or any project for that matter, is the prep work. For this particular project we have to move things,...

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God Speed… An Ode to the Golden Age of Space Exploration…

This is totally amazing. Céline Desrumaux, a fantastic artist has created the stunning Countdown. It is a masterpiece that took her two years designing, directing, and animating it. The best and most inspirational part for me is that she...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-02

“If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.” ? Stanley Kubrick # “You're an idealist, and I pity you as I would the village idiot.” ? Stanley Kubrick # “Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” ? Salvador...

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