Design Something Every Day: Day 4: Russell: Finder of Lost Idols

Day 4 brings me back to one of my favorite muses, Survivor of course. Here's a little sort of vintage styled poster highlighting the arch villain from the TV franchise, Russell Hantz, better known to fans as Evil Russell....

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Design Something Every Day: Day 3: Purimitar

For Day three I tried to imagine if the Na'vi in the film Avatar had given up their Animism in favor of Judaism and were shaking their groggers at Purim. This was actually created for the upcoming Purim Carnival...

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Design Something Everyday Day 2: Retro Rupert

A Retro Style Poster of Survivor Contestant Rupert Boneham Day two and here is  a retro styled poster for Rupert Boneham, a contestant on the CBS reality show Survivor: Pearl Islands, Survivor All Stars & the upcoming...

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Design Something Everyday Day 1: Volcano

I read the great post by Jad Limcaco on Smashing Magazine called "Design Something Every Day!" It is a very inspiring, if not daunting idea, to design something every day, but it is a call I would like to...

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Updated Free Survivor Tribal Color Swatches for Illustrator and Photoshop

Another season of Survivor, my favorite television show, has run its course. In a surprise to me and most of the fans of the show, the conniving and brilliant tactician Russell Hantz won everything but the game, being defeated...

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Interesting timelapse video of choosing a typeface

I saw this interesting timelapse video of the very talented Designer Brian Hoff as he works up different looks for a logo he is working on.  Anyone who has ever done this can relate to this fun and frustrating...

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A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials

Anyone who has an interest in advertising, culture or history, should check out the amazing collection of television advertising archived by Duke University Library. The collection is called AdViews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials, and is well...

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Free blank thumbnails for book design.

When I design the cover for a book I like to read the book first, this is not always possible, but it is important to talk at length with the author and get the feeling and meaning of the...

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