Rest in Peace David Bowie

Rest in Peace David Bowie

Gone all to soon, you were a hero for more than just one day.

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Seattle photos from the skies on Flickr

Seattle photos from the skies on Flickr

I had a chance to put a few photos to my Seattle photo album on Flickr. I love taking pictures of my city, but this time I was able to take some from the skies. I had the chance...

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Always worth watching… Vertigo Opening Credits

One of my favorite opening sequences from film. Alfred Hichcock's 1958 classic Vertigo. Saul Bass was a master of the great title sequence. I've tried hard to be a very apt pupil of Bass!

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Comic Sans in the wild 

Comic Sans in the wild 

Bad font sighting. Spotted Comic Sans in the Asian Market.

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Nothing says science like comic sans

Nothing says science like comic sans

This is serious science. Not so serious type.

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Inadvertently Creepy Halloween Costume

Inadvertently Creepy Halloween Costume

It's sort of frightening how the internet works some times. My son was looking up Halloween costumes on Amazon, so of course now the Facebook ads are all keyed into that (buh-bye privacy!) but even creepier than that are...

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Terrible Joke Tuesday

Terrible Joke Tuesday

Hey, what's the best thing to drink during a marathon? Running water! HA!

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Amazing Data/Map Mashup – Old NYC

Amazing Data/Map Mashup – Old NYC

Old NYC: Mapping images from the NY Public Library is an amazing site. Historical photos from the New York Public Library are geolocated to a map of NYC. Interested to see Times Square throughout time? Times Square! For someone who...

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