Great Read: Exit To Tomorrow, World’s Fair Architecture 1933-2005

Here is another great book for the design bookshelf: Exit to Tomorrow, World's Fair Architecture, Design, Fashion 1933-2005 by Andrew Garn, Paola Antonelli, Udo Kultermann and Steven Van Dyk. This fabulous and copiously illustrated book catalogs the major World's...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17

Read Communication and Graphics Daily ? today's top stories via @veroojeda @designactive @idgdesign ? # Enjoy Dante’s Inferno animated in MS Paint! via The Poetry Foundation #inferno #literature #dante # "It’s art if can’t be explained. It’s fashion if...

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Communications and Graphics Daily… My New Daily Newspaper!

I recently created a daily paper. It's pretty cool, you can check out my paper.... Communications and Design Daily. I wonder if this is the future of publishing and of news in general? All you have to...

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Digital Ephemera for July 13, 2011

  Another Wednes­day has rolled around, so here’s my weekly col­lec­tion of inter­est­ing dig­i­tal ephemera I’ve found pok­ing around the vast Inter­net waste­land. Think of me as your guide through the eclectic dig­i­tal desert… Art and Design Entire Text of Novels Used in Outdoor...

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This Book Is Just My Type: An A-Z of Type Designers by Neil Macmillan

I found this great book, An A-Z of Type Designers by Neil Macmillan the other day at a local used bookstore and I can't say enough about how cool it is! It is a great addition to the library...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10

Happy Independence Day! -- Reading of the Declaration of Independence via @youtube #4thofjuly #IndependenceDay # An explosive idea! -- Wide Angle Camera Mounted on Firework POV via @youtube # How to scale a nonprofit organization so it is optimized...

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Friday Freebie: Vintage Hawaiian Map Wallpaper

Feeling the Aloha Spirit today, so I thought I'd pass along a little desktop wallpaper I created. I made it by mashing up a couple of images from a 1950's United Airlines promotional brochure of Hawaii. Very mid-century modern....

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Digital Ephemera

Another Wednesday has rolled around, so here’s my weekly collection of interesting digital ephemera I’ve found poking around the vast Internet wasteland. Think of me as your guide beyond the digital desert... Art, Design and Retro Items...

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More on Amazing Stories…

I posted a few days ago about Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone and Ray Bradbury Theater. I thought I'd share the opening sequence of the later two, while I can only share the great John Williams score for the...

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Happy Independence Day!

Hoping everyone has a great 4th of July and Independence Day. Even if one isn't an American, I think there is still some wisdom and inspiration to be found in the words of Thomas Jefferson and the Continental Congress. IN...

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An Aptly Named Video: Amazing Stories Intro

Church Media Design posted this, if you'll forgive me, amazing opening sequence for a church Bible Stories series. Hopefully the accompanying lecture & sermons were as cool as the opening credits.   "Amazing Stories" Title Package from Taylor Cox on Vimeo. This...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03

Good food for thought. RT @webdesignledger: Is It Time to Rethink Website Navigation? via @sixrevisions #webdesign # RT @WatchDocsOnline: Now online: 'Stephen Hawking's Universe - Episode 01: Seeing is Believing' - #documentary # RT @kurtlrnz: Check out Aetheric Field...

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