Digital Ephemera for September 14, 2011

Another Wednes­day has rolled around, so here’s my weekly col­lec­tion of inter­est­ing dig­i­tal ephemera I’ve found pok­ing around the vast Inter­net waste­land. Think of me as your guide through the eclec­tic dig­i­tal desert…

Art & Design

Stained Glass Superheroes Comic Books Stained Glass by Brandon Barker
Check out the great art work by the talented Brandon Michael Barker. This is an idea I love, take something in the pop cultural realm and then reinterpret it through another medium. In this case take classic comic book covers and redo them as stained glass art objects. Though Barker does point out they are technically painted glass, but I say who cares, it’s beautiful, funny and fantastic.  He created pieces for Superman, Spiderman, Thor and many others. All hail the low-brow art esthetic, and I truly mean that in the best way.

When you check out his pieces, make sure you check out the original covers of the comic books he’s using as source material on the great site The Cover Browser. I think you’ll find Barker’s art is great, an homage using art in a new way.

Web Design Inspiration from the History of Art

It is said that those who don’t study the past are doomed to repeat it. That may be true in the realm of politics, economics and war but in the world of graphic design I’d say that those who don’t study the past are doomed to not repeat it. That much is true in this article on finding inspiration for web design in the history of art.


Video, Film and Motion Graphics

Planet of the Apes Remix
I am a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes films, remixes and mash-ups so naturally this video from Brad Hasse was totally up my alley.

Directed, Edited, Concept by Brad Hasse (
Visual Effects and Design by EP*Vision (
East Pleasant Pictures (

Beastie Boys and Spike Jonze new video!

Anyone coming of age in the 90’s can remember the great Spike Jonze – Beastie Boys collaborations. They’ve gotten together again in their Beasties newest video “Don’t Play No Game That I Can’t Win. ” I particularly like the homage to the great Norwegian zombie filck Dead Snow at the end of the video.


Social Media

Pew Research on Social Media.
An academic study of trends in social media.

30 Mosques in 30 States
This is a really great use of social media and the internet to promote tolerance and understanding.


Something Cool

Hot Girl in the Comic Shop
This is a pretty funny song, in a very nerdy sort of way.

Something Weird

Man flips int o a pool chair. DO NOT try this at home!

Something Bad

Devastatin Dave – Zip Zap Rap (Original and Best!)

Three Websites Worth Checking Out


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