The Seven Deadly Sins. The Cardinal Vices.

Just listing them is very evocative, they drip with poetry and dread and have since they were slowly codified during the early history of the Catholic Church:

  • pride
  • avarice
  • envy
  • wrath
  • lust
  • gluttony
  • sloth

The nature of these sins are both replant and attractive. This duality inherent in the human psyche has inspired artists for centuries. We’ve seen the seven deadly sins depicted in many different ways; from the bizarre and fantastic canvases of Hieronymus Bosch to the celluloid terrors of David Fincher. Now we have a new re-imagining of the sins that lead to hell fire made with toy Stormtroopers from Star Wars. And it’s brilliant.

The project is a mini-series by a photographer who goes by the handle Stéfan, who has been, well let him explain it:

Stormtroopers 365 is a photo project starring TK455 and TK479, Stormtroopers in the Galactic Empire Army.

The project began on April 3rd 2009 and should end on April 2nd 2010. Each day during this year, a new picture is added to the series.

The pictures are posted to Flickr.

Here’s a slide show of the 7 Deadly Sins, see if you can guess which sin is pictured. Dont’ forget to check your answers. Also check out the rest his work. It is really funny, ironic and best of all executed with great skill.

7 Deadly Links: