Rest in Peace David Bowie

Rest in Peace David Bowie

Gone all to soon, you were a hero for more than just one day.

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Seattle photos from the skies on Flickr

Seattle photos from the skies on Flickr

I had a chance to put a few photos to my Seattle photo album on Flickr. I love taking pictures of my city, but this time I was able to take some from the skies. I had the chance...

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Always worth watching… Vertigo Opening Credits

One of my favorite opening sequences from film. Alfred Hichcock's 1958 classic Vertigo. Saul Bass was a master of the great title sequence. I've tried hard to be a very apt pupil of Bass!

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Comic Sans in the wild 

Comic Sans in the wild 

Bad font sighting. Spotted Comic Sans in the Asian Market.

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Nothing says science like comic sans

Nothing says science like comic sans

This is serious science. Not so serious type.

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Inadvertently Creepy Halloween Costume

Inadvertently Creepy Halloween Costume

It's sort of frightening how the internet works some times. My son was looking up Halloween costumes on Amazon, so of course now the Facebook ads are all keyed into that (buh-bye privacy!) but even creepier than that are...

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Terrible Joke Tuesday

Terrible Joke Tuesday

Hey, what's the best thing to drink during a marathon? Running water! HA!

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Happy Quasquicentennial Idaho!

Happy Quasquicentennial Idaho!

Happy 125th Anniversary Idaho! Statehood day was July 3, 1890! You don't look a day past 80! Also that's a picture of the old family farm I grew up on in Nampa, Idaho. Sure miss the farm.

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Terrible Joke Tuesday!

Terrible Joke Tuesday!

It's Tuesday, ready for a terrible though amusing, joke I heard? Q: How do you get holy water? A: You boil the hell out of it! HA!

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Happy Death Day, Niccolò Machiavelli

Happy Death Day, Niccolò Machiavelli

Never was anything great achieved without danger. -Niccolò Machiavelli (May 1469 – June 1527)

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Lake City Murals

Lake City Murals

I love walking around and taking pictures of what ever peaks my interest. On a recent walk I grabbed a couple of shots of these love able goofy murals on the restrooms at the Meadowbrook Playground near Nathan Hale...

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Paul Schell Center Signage

Paul Schell Center Signage

Much of the things designers work on is very ephemeral in nature, printed pieces that are quickly recycled, web sites that are outdated as soon as they are relased, so I was very excited to work on something a...

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